The Lone Star Chapter strives to maintain the goals as set out by the international North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association. The Chapter is very interested in bringing together "versatile" dog owners from all over, not only Texas but also the Southwest. Lone Star members cover many classifications ranging from those who simply love dogs to the serious hunter and breeder. One thing that all the members have in common is the desire to maintain and improve the "versatile" breeds. Members often get together throughout the year to train and/or hunt.
The Lone Star Chapter of NAVHDA was formed in 1994 with the first field test being held April 1995 in Waxahachie, Texas. Some of the original members were Rick Schultz, John Moffett and Andy Stoebner. By 1998, the chapter had grown exponentially. Lone Star members can be found in all corners of Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.
The Lone Star Chapter holds official tests (on all levels) two weekends a year, usually in October or November, and March. Judges are approved by the international NAVHDA and often come in from out of state. These tests allow you to have your dog tested in a manner that is not placing it in direct competition with the other dogs being tested that day; but rather the dog is evaluated in accordance with the guidelines as set out by NAVHDA. On any given day, any number of entrants may get a Prize I. For a short description of the tests go to Test Types.
As a member of the Lone Star Chapter of NAVHDA, you will make many new contacts. These contacts can help even the experienced trainer learn new training techniques. You may even form/join a more local (Texas is a Great big State) informal group that gets together to train and/or hunt.
PRE-OWNERSHIP - If you are thinking about getting your first "versatile" dog, or perhaps getting a breed of dog you have not previously had, then we would strongly suggest that you attend a clinic, in particular, the "Pre-Test Training Clinic"; but any will help you. You will have a chance to see many different breeds up close and in action. You will have a chance to talk with experienced trainers and dog owners. Everyone is very friendly and will probably give you information not found in many books. You will get honest answers to any type and level of questions. You will make contacts with members who will happily talk and help you throughout your dog's development. Most importantly, you will form a sound basis which will help you and your new "best friend" develop a lasting trusting relationship.
“The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA) is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is to foster, promote, and improve the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America; to conserve game by using well trained reliable hunting dogs before and after the shot; and to aid in the prevention of cruelty to animals by discouraging nonselective and uncontrolled breeding, which produces unwanted and uncared for dogs.” — - NAVHDA